A bit more about me…

Raised in the midwest, I fell in love with the mountains while attending the University of Colorado in Boulder. Go Buffs!

I moved around a bit after college—including a 7-month stint working on a cruise ship selling fine art—learning professional and life skills along the way. I found my way back to the mountains in 2016, settling in Denver.

Ultimately, the invisible string throughout my career has been my desire to create things that leave a positive impact. Seems only fitting that I would land in UX/UI design, designing features that improve products folks live with every day.

When I’m not pushing pixels, I find solace in nature — paddle boarding, hiking with my pup Millie, or just enjoying nature sounds and the breeze from my backyard!

Other likes include: international travel, the first sip of a beautifully crafted cocktail, and Taylor Swift :)