Hey, I’m Julie.

I’m a Senior UX Designer that delivers meaningful and intuitive experiences to users in the smart home space.

My Approach

User first, ego last

I can create beautiful designs and user flows all day long, but they have no value unless they serve their intended user. A key pillar of my process is to take the time to get to know the user, and look at a particular product, problem or application through their lens. What motivates them? What do they care about?

One of my top priorities as a designer is to be a champion and advocate for the end user. This ensures their needs don’t get lost in the sea of larger business goals.

Collaboration is key

Call it cliché, but I do believe that teamwork does, in fact, make the dream work. Meaningful, delightful design cannot be created in a vacuum. I find it critical to get perspective, knowledge, and buy-in from cross-functional teams at all stages of the design process.

Uniting different facets of an organization (dev, qa, engineering, product, design, marketing) under a common goal simply generates better deliverables that everyone can get behind. Talk about professional warm and fuzzies!

Trees matter, but so does the forest

I pride myself on being detail-oriented: Perfecting a design system, analyzing data points and user interviews, creating the perfect copy, you name it. I always like to say, “I care about the details so stakeholders don’t have to.”

I also believe details must have context in order to be effective. Understanding the goals and strategies of a business at large means that I can effectively direct myself and my team to focus their energy in the right places.

Want to see more?

Let’s connect!

Let’s meet up and chat about designing apps and products, and the age-old question, “Is a hot dog a sandwich?"